Although only founded in 1996, Walnuts Limited draws on the
experience of over 30 years in the Telecomms and IT industries.
Software Consultant - HIS Consulting
Responsibility for production and maintenance of Network Requirements and Security Compliance documentation providing essential continuity between Customers, Designers and Implementers. The work required a good overall understanding of systems at the forefront of Digital Network Management Technology in the UK.
Software Consultant - High Integrity Systems
(HIS Consulting)
Two years Y2K compliance testing and proving of the UK's
largest PDH Network Platform. Work that included the provision and maintenance
of a comprehensive Test Reference Model enabling full end-to-end PDH and
inter-platform testing with SDH and PSTN. A wide range of technologies and
hardware platforms were involved.
Test Analyst Contractor - Price Waterhouse Consulting - Barcelona,
Main responsibility was to devise a test strategy and plans for the
Integration and System testing of a national telephone Customer Care and
Billing System. A challenging and exciting role in one of the world’s
biggest and most up to date "green field" telecommunications projects.
The system is designed to provide an integrated solution incorporating
"best of breed" components.
Test Analyst Contractor at GPT, Poole
Test analysis, documentation, automation and execution of GPT’s telephone
Billing System which processes local and inter-administration call records
generated by the company’s System X exchanges. Work also included Millennium
Compliance testing. It was a UNIX and PC working environment.
Full time charity volunteer - MANPOWER plc (Funded by BT Release Package)
Organisation and computerisation of a sizeable archaeological archive ready for
specialist analysis. The artifacts, site notebooks, plans, drawings and
photographs were the result of a rescue archaeological project carried out between 1978 and 1985.
1992-96 Manager and Professional - BT's OMC2 PROJECT
VV&T Engineering and management in a team responsible for Integration and
System Testing of BT's Exchange and Network Switch management application
- the OMC2. This large important development project provided a good range
of opportunities for experience across the whole software life cycle. For
three years the work included responsibility for the development and integration of the
Product's Install and Upgrade procedures which carried the OMC2 successfully
through at least six major build levels.
1988-91 Technical Officer (TO) - OMC2 PROJECT
These years of OMC system and integration testing provided experience
of working with DEC VAX computers. This led to being responsible for the maintenance
and development of the Install/Upgrade sub-system which was mostly written
in DCL.
1984-88 Technical Officer - Nation Networks
Transmission Construction
I installed Chelmsford Packet Switching Exchange and supervised installation
of the digital switch. Implemented WORKSAID transmission equipment database
in the Regional HQ. Installed Multistream, VASCOM, Megastream, Kilostream,
Hypergroup Codecs, NICAM digital and '1037' HF program equipment, TDM &
SCVF telegraph equipment. Supervised as Clerk of Works the installation
of a Radio Television Link, Higher Order Digital Multiplex Equipment, 140
Mbits Line Systems, Optical Fibre Terminal and Line Equipment, CELNET Base
1970-82 TO & TOA - Exchange and Transmission Construction
Organised work for a construction group of 15 based at Maldon Telephone
Exchange (Group Swiching Centre) and was responsible for a variety of Exchange
equipment types. Directed staff and was Clerk of Works for a new Repeater
Station, important Strowger exchange extensions (including BT's Transit
Network and International implementation), new large TXE2 involving a change
over from an extended and overloaded UAX13. My broad experience was particularly
useful on circuit provision duties (mostly involved with Exchange Junction
and Private circuits but also included the now 'not so secret' Nuclear
Defense circuits and systems).
1967-70 Tech. IIa - Exchange & Transmission Construction
Planned and set up procedures for eliminating backlog of circuit provision
work in Chelmsford Telephone Exchange in the wake of STD conversion. The
work involved training and leading a small team for three years.
1964-67 G.P.O. Telecom. Engineering Apprenticeship